Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Wrong Row

I don't really understand why did these peoples make it so wrong.

Indeed, for working society like us, (moreover whose utilize busy-public transportation like commuterline) time is never compromises.

As a good moslem they should know how the border between male and female's shaf (rows). But if they ignored it just because of the rapid train schedule like this, surely the prayer just remained in vain.

The train always ride in time, guys. So don't worry.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I Sketching Again!

Hi, there.

I'm sketching again on this blog! After long time inactive finally i decided to draw again.

This one taken from old sketch, taken from my wife's photo collections.

It worked on A5 drawing paper and strokes by Parker writing pen.

I think it's pretty good. Not bad.

But my wife disagreed, she said that she looks older on the sketch.
